
Next Meeting Sept 6th @ 7:30
President’s Beat
Your help is always greatly appreciated!
Secretary’s Beat
- Meeting Minutes
Hamfest 2019
Congratulations to the Raffle Winners!
The Editor’s Column
Just ask yourself, where did they get the probes from?
Hamfester’s VE Testing
- Next Session – August 3 – See Details
- Next Session – August 10 – See Details
Other Club Info
- Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Last Meeting Photos
- July Meeting
PO Box 474
Crestwood, IL
Meets 1st Friday of every month at the
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 S Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
September Birthdays
John Derkacy
Gary Kole
James Byrnes
Martin Linke
Charles Zee
John Midkiff
President – Nora KC9MLV
Vice President – Jim W9JPR
Secretary – Patty KC9LYE
Treasurer – ED WA9EOL
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQ
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
Board Members
Nora – KC9MLV
Steve – W9KXT
Kurt – WB9FMC
Cindy – N9CAS
Don – KC9EQQ
Rich – KB9NTX
HamGab Editor
Gene – W9PNG

Another Hamfest should be in the books as you read this. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped out. Special thanks to our Chairman, Don Pointer, KC9EQQ. We had beautiful weather and a great day.
SEPTEMBER PROGRAM: Will be given by Gregg, AB9MZ, on grounding and bonding.
In October, we have two events, both on the same day, October 5th. Be sure to contact Dave Bukowski, N9KPD, to volunteer for the College of DuPage 5K run to help with communications along the route. And we would need a couple of volunteers to man the trailer in Highland, Indiana, for their annual fire safety day.
In November, you won’t want to miss this meeting. We will have Steve Cooper doing his annual fun-filled trivia program and he might bring a few entertaining friends with him.
Tickets will be on sale soon for our Christmas party. Please note we will be at a new location this year.
The party will be held at Bartolini’s in Midlothian. I have heard rave reviews on their food. We have kept the cost to $25.00 per ticket.
As always, we ask you to keep an eye on the website for the most current happenings in our club. Remember to Like us on our Hamfesters Page on Facebook and spread the word about our great club too! We are the fun place to have a good time of fellowship at all of our events!
Nora Pointer KC9MLV
President of Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club of Crestwood
P.S: If you need to reach me, please email me at: npointer92@gmail.com
Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes
Nothing to report from the Secretary.
Hamfest 2019
We had another successful Hamfest! Weather was perfect! Sellers and buyers were in abundance!
Gratulations to the Raffle Winners!
1st Place $200.00 Jerry Kimento WB9JFR
2nd Place HT Digital Brent Berry K9KZR
3rd Place $50.00 Cindy Hodges
4th Place $50.00 James Spitales KD9EYW
Planning on Infiltrating Area 51?
You may want to reconsider for the following reasons.
- Area 51 is located in a desert, food and water will be scarce. Bring a lot of water!
- The sign reads. “Restricted Area: it is unlawful to enter this area without permission of the Installation Commander”
- They do test some the latest of advanced weaponry there, not to mention the alien weapons they have.
- They will not hesitate to use the latest of the advanced/alien weaponry as the poor individual found out documented here. RIP
- At a minimum, you will find yourself face down for 3 hours getting “probed” as the BBC TV crew found out and documented on their website at this link. Just ask yourself, where did they get the probes from?
- This is also downwind of the original nuclear testing sites, so there is radiation to consider. So a Geiger counter will be needed.
So my recommendation is to keep your butt at home and have a party watching them on TV!
These comments are opinions of the editor and do not represent any opinion of the Hamfester’s Radio Club.
nanonano, Gene W9PNG
VE Testing
Hamfesters VE Testing Report for HamGab June 2019
Al Bukowski N9ZD – VE coordinator
Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club VEs offer Amateur Radio License Testing for those who want to get their first ham license, or Amateur Hams who want to upgrade to a higher class license. Examination sessions are available on the second Saturday of each month. We will assist you with all necessary paperwork prior to taking your exam. Please make sure you are studying the latest question pool that can be found on the internet, through ARRL publications or Gordon West books. The Exam fee is $15.00 (CASH ONLY – Please NO Checks or Credit Cards.) Also please bring a photo ID with you to the exam. If upgrading, bring your original signed Amateur License and a photocopy we can send with the test results.
If you need information on how to print your FCC License, please go to this url for information. http://www.arrl.org/obtain-license-copy
The exam sessions are held at the Oak Forest City Hall 15440 S. Central Ave. Oak Forest, Il 60452. Please arrive by 9:00 AM. We begin testing promptly at 9:15 AM. Please enter through the marked Police door entrance at City Hall and look for the ARRL Amateur Radio testing signs for directions.
Future VE Exam dates are as follows:
- September 14, 2019
- October 12, 2019
- November 9th, 2019
- December 14th, 2019
*******New General Class License Exams were implementer on July 1, 2019. You will need to study the new General Class Question pool found here. >>> http://www.ncvec.org/downloads/2019-2023GeneralClassQuestionPool.pdf
Please, it would help the VE Team to pre-register and/or if you have any other questions regarding our test sessions, please contact Al, N9ZD via e-mail at: N9ZD@arrl.net
A Special ‘Thank You’ to All the VE’s volunteering there Saturday morning to assist me at the Exam sessions.
Club Information
Meetings and VE
Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.
Board Meetings: 7:30 PM on
the 4th Monday of each month
at the
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S.73rd.
Orland Park, IL
VE TESTING: Every 2nd
Saturday of the Month at the
Oak Forest City Hall
15440 S. Central Ave.
Testing begins at
9:00 AM but we ask that you arrive 10 minutes early. Exam fee is now $15.00. Al N9ZD
VE Team Chairman
Special Activities
Hamfester’s Big Peotone
Hamfest: Our annual
Hamfest coming August 4th,
2019 @ Will County Fairgrounds,
Peotone, IL.
Field Day: Join the W9AA crew
for one of the best Field Days ever
on June 22-23, 2019 at
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman
MAKERS: we participate in the
annual Southwest Chicago
Makers Faire
Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Nets/Contact Info
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
WEB SITE: www.hamfesters.org
Brian ,W9HLQ
Granville, W9PNG
Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec
Meeting Photos
No photos submitted.