
Next Meeting Nov 1st @ 7:00
- Steve Cooper Trio
President’s Column
I sincerely applaud you, Tom, KD9JSB and thank you for coming to the Club and nets rescue.
Christmas Party Tickets
This year’s event will be at Bartolini’s, 14420 Pulaski Rd. in Midlothian.
Upcoming Events
- Steve Cooper – Nov 1
- Christmas Party – Dec 6
- Intro to Yaesu Fusion – Jan 3
Secretary’s Beat
- Meeting Minutes
Membership Dues
Hamfesters Radio club values your participation in the club.
W9AA Nets
Tom, KA9ZXN, is back on the air for the 2Meter NET!!
We are in need of a 10 Meter NET controller. Contact an officer or board member if you are interested.
All current board members will remain in their posts and are running unopposed. There is one change as an empty director position was filled. Per Robert’s Rules of Order, there will be no election in November.
Hamfester’s VE Testing
- Next Session – Nov 9 – See Details
- We had 6 candidates at the Oct session!
- 2 upgrades to General
- 3 new Technician hams
- 1 Tech candidate just needs a little more studying
Other Club Info
- Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Photos from Last Meeting
The Funnies
Resistance is not futile!
It is voltage divided by current.
PO Box 474
Crestwood, IL
Meets 1st Friday of every month at the
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 S Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
November Birthdays
Patricia Gulick
Herb Majer
Ronald Kalat
Bill Wright
Rollo Everett
Matthew Medlen Sr.
William Hickstein
Welcome New Members!
William Hickstein
John Swanson, KB9FQB
President – Nora KC9MLV
Vice President – Jim W9JPR
Secretary – Patty KC9LYE
Treasurer – ED WA9EOL
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQ
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
Board Members
Steve – W9KXT
Kurt – WB9FMC
Cindy – N9CAS
Don – KC9EQQ
Rich – KB9NTX
John – KB9FQB
HamGab Editor
Gene – W9PNG

Sorry, I didn’t get my October column out. A special thanks to Gregg, AB9MZ, once again for a very informative program in September.
At the October meeting, we had open mike night. It was kind of nice. Thanks to everyone who spoke up and Steve Peters for sharing the videos. It was an interesting evening.
Also, nominations were held and all current officers and board members were retained. Thank you for your vote of confidence. In addition, John Swanson, KB9FQB volunteered to fill the empty board seat. Thank you, John and welcome aboard.
HEALTH AND WELFARE: Best wishes and prayers go out to Gregg, AB9MZ, on his recent eye surgery. Hope you are doing better.
NEW MEMBERS: Thomas Costello, KD9JSB. William Hickstein, No call sign yet. Very interested in becoming a ham radio operator. Welcome to Hamfesters!
STEPPING UP: As a note, Tom, KA9ZXN, was moving, so his ham equipment was packed up and he was unable to run the 2 meter and 10 meter nets. I was informed that our new member, Tom Costello, KD9JSB, stepped up and ran the net as net controller for the past few weeks and has done an excellent job. I sincerely applaud you, Tom, KD9JSB and thank you for coming to the Club and nets rescue. Tom, KA9ZXN informed us he will be able to do the 2 meter net again, but will be unable to do the 10 meter net. So we will need a new net control of the 10 meter net.
NOVEMBER PROGRAM: We have Steve Cooper with a couple of his musician friends providing us with live music. He will share his stories with us. You won’t want to miss this meeting. Please note the earlier start time of this meeting will be at 7:00 p.m.
DECEMBER – CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! Tickets are on sale for our Christmas party. Please note we will be at a new location this year. The party will be held at Bartolini’s in Midlothian. I have heard rave reviews on their food. We have kept the cost to $25.00 per ticket. You can purchase your tickets at the meetings, on-line through our paypal account or by mail to Jim Riley, W9JPR.
As always, we ask you to keep an eye on the website for the most current happenings in our club. Remember to Like us on our Hamfesters Page on Facebook and spread the word about our great club too! We are the fun place to have a good time of fellowship at all of our events!
Lastly, on behalf of my fellow board members, Don and myself we wish you great blessings on the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Let us not forget all who serve or have served in our Armed Forces and First Responders too and where they might be protecting our freedoms during this upcoming holiday season.
Nora Pointer KC9MLV
President of Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club of Crestwood
P.S: If you need to reach me, please email me at: npointer92@gmail.com
Christmas Party

Christmas Party Tickets
De Jim Riley W9JPR
Sales of Christmas party tickets continued at the October meeting. As of this writing, we have 15 sold. Be sure to stop by and get yours at the November meeting.
This year’s event will be at Bartolini’s, 14420 Pulaski Rd. in Midlothian. Doors open at 6 p.m. on Friday December 6, our regular meeting night. Unlike years past, we will have our own room and we won’t have to contend with any loud parties on the other side of a less-than-soundproof partition.
If you can’t make the meeting, you can order tickets online via our website or send a check to me at my roster address. Tickets are $25 each. Tickets not sold at the meeting will be held until the evening of the party and handed out there unless other arrangements are made.
Upcoming Events
November 1st
Steve Cooper Trio
Enjoy live music this evening!
Steve will narrate his selection of music during the introduction of his music selection. He has many interesting stories about the musicians and singers behind the big music hits. He plays the music we all know and we can sing along with…or at least tap our feet. Consider bringing your spouse, friend, or any music lover. This is a special treat for us – don’t miss it!
Notice the meeting starts at 7PM – arrive early to get a good seat
December 6th
Christmas Party at Bartolini’s Restaurant
14420 S. Pulaski, Midlothian, IL
Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm – dinner served at 7:00 pm
A $25.00 ticket is required for the event available at the meeting from Jim, W9JPR, or via our web site.
Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes
Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club meeting Oct. 4, 2019 7:38 pm
Roll: Nora KC9MLV, Jim W9JPR, ED WA9EOL, Patti KC9LYE
There were 31 members here, and 3 visitors; Steve KD9NFY, Bill Hickstein, & Steven Spaugh. Bill Hickstein is a new Hamfesters member. Welcome everyone!
A special thanks to new member Tom KD9JSB, he was net control for two weeks, on the Monday 2 meters Hamfesters net, on the STARS repeater. Because Tom KA9ZXN, was moving. (Tom KA9ZXN, will return as net control on both the Hamfesters nets the 2 meter, and the 10 meter (Sunday) starting Oct. 14th.)
Health & Welfare: Gregg AB9MZ, is at home after eye surgery. Get Well soon Gregg!
Minutes: The Sept. club minutes were approved by Don KC9EQQ, & Steve W9KXT.
Treasurer’s Report: By Ed WA9EOL, The club’s checking account has stayed the same amount as in 2018. We gave South Bridge church a donation, they provided us a field day site in 2018 and 2019.
Club Nominations for 2020: We have a new board member, John KB9FQB, he was unopposed. Current Officers, & board members were also unopposed. So, 2020 officers & board members are: President Nora KC9MLV, Vice President Jim W9JPR, Treasurer Ed WA9EOL, Secretary Patti KC9LYE, Sgt at Arms, & Board member Don KC9EQQ, Trustee Gene W9PNG, Board members; Kurt WB9FMC, Steve W9KXT, Cindy N9CAS, Rich KB9NTX, John KB9FQB.There will be NO Election in November.
- Programs: Tonight Question & Answers
- Nov. Steve Cooper music
- Dec. Christmas Party
- Jan. 2020 DMR (Fusion)radio
- March 2020 White Elephant sale
- April 2020 Weather Spotter
New Business: By Don KC9EQQ, on Nov. 1st at the Walmart store in Bridgeview there will be a program to honor veterans. Program is in the morning.
Adjournment: Don KC9EQQ, & John KB9FQB 9:30pm
Split the pot winner:Rollo KD9JMO,
Raffle winners:Bob N9KWG, Don KC9EQQ, Mel NE9A, Wayne KD9LAW,Cathy KC9NRH, Rick W9DOQ Michael KC9OPV
Hamfesters Dues
Hamfesters Radio club values your participation in the club. We need your dues to support to keep the club running. Standard dues are $20/yr. And $10/yr for spouse or other family member. Current members will remain on the mailing list which announces the availability of HamGab and other important club news. In the early spring of the year, I remove those members who are delinquent from the list. Contact Brian, W9HLQ, if you are not getting the monthly HamGab announcements.
With the number of new members (and old members who forget!) here is a review of the dues process for Hamfesters. The final date for dues is the 31st of December which pays for the following year’s dues. To facilitate the collection of dues I set up a table to make it easy for you to pay your dues. I set up the table for the October and November meetings. I appreciate if you are going to pay in person, to pay your dues at either the October or November meeting. Thank you. I will not collect dues at the December Christmas dinner.
If you can’t attend either of these meetings, feel free to mail in your dues; payable to “Hamfesters Radio Club”. Send to Brian Davis, W9HLQ. When paying in person, we are equipped to accept your Visa or Master card if you don’t have cash handy. Don’t forget that you can pay your dues online at our web site:
You can check your dues status by going to the Hamfesters web site and clicking on the “Members Only” link on the left side of the page. The years that you have paid for are shown as a two digit number for the years you have paid. You will need a password to access this information. If you are a paid member, contact any Hamfesters officer to get the passcode.
Thank you and 73,
Brian Davis, W9HLQ, Membership Chmn.
W9AA Nets
Tom, KA9ZXN, is back on the air for the 2 Meter NET!!
We are in need of a 10 Meter NET controller. Contact an officer or board member if you are interested.
De Jim Riley W9JPR
Nominations for officers and directors for the upcoming year were held at the October meeting. All current board members will remain in their posts and are running unopposed. There is one change as an empty director position was filled. Per Robert’s Rules of Order, there will be no election in November.
Here is your board for 2020:
President- Nora Pointer KC9MLC
Vice President- Jim Riley W9JPR
Secretary- Patti Gulick KC9LYE
Treasurer- Ed Broniarczyk WA9EOL
Trustee- Granville Phillips W9PNG
Sergeant-at-Arms Don Pointer KC9EQQ
Directors: Kurt Pawlikowski WB9FMC, Steve Peters W9KXT, Don Pointer KC9EQQ (immediate past president), Cindy Shlaustas N9CAS, Rich Bacorn KB9NTX, and John Swanson KB9FQB (new for 2020).
VE Testing
Hamfesters VE Testing Report for HamGab
Al Bukowski N9ZD – VE coordinator
Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club VEs offer Amateur Radio License Testing for those who want to get their first ham license, or Amateur Hams who want to upgrade to a higher class license. Examination sessions are available on the second Saturday of each month. We will assist you with all necessary paperwork prior to taking your exam. Please make sure you are studying the latest question pool that can be found on the internet, through ARRL publications or Gordon West books. The Exam fee is $15.00 (CASH ONLY – Please NO Checks or Credit Cards.) Also please bring a photo ID with you to the exam. If upgrading, bring your original signed Amateur License and a photocopy we can send with the test results.
If you need information on how to print your FCC License, please go to this url for information. http://www.arrl.org/obtain-license-copy
The exam sessions are held at the Oak Forest City Hall 15440 S. Central Ave. Oak Forest, Il 60452. Please arrive by 9:00 AM. We begin testing promptly at 9:15 AM. Please enter through the marked Police door entrance at City Hall and look for the ARRL Amateur Radio testing signs for directions.
Future VE Exam dates are as follows:
- November 9th, 2019
- December 14th, 2019
- January 11th, 2019
*******New General Class License Exams were implemented on July 1, 2019. You will need to study the new General Class Question pool found here. >>> http://www.ncvec.org/downloads/2019-2023GeneralClassQuestionPool.pdf
Please, it would help the VE Team to pre-register and/or if you have any other questions regarding our test sessions, please contact Al, N9ZD via e-mail at: N9ZD@arrl.net
A Special ‘Thank You’ to All the VE’s volunteering there Saturday morning to assist me at the Exam sessions.
Club Information
Meetings and VE
Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.
Board Meetings: 7:30 PM on
the 4th Monday of each month
at the
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S.73rd.
Orland Park, IL
VE TESTING: Every 2nd
Saturday of the Month at the
Oak Forest City Hall
15440 S. Central Ave.
Testing begins at
9:00 AM but we ask that you arrive 10 minutes early. Exam fee is now $15.00. Al N9ZD
VE Team Chairman
Special Activities
Hamfester’s Big Peotone
Hamfest: Our annual
Hamfest coming August 4th,
2019 @ Will County Fairgrounds,
Peotone, IL.
Field Day: Join the W9AA crew
for one of the best Field Days ever
on June 27-28, 2020 at
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman
MAKERS: we participate in the
annual Southwest Chicago
Makers Faire
Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Nets/Contact Info
*Nets Currently Offline*
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
WEB SITE: www.hamfesters.org
Brian ,W9HLQ
Granville, W9PNG
Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec
Pics from Last Meeting
The Funnies