September 2021 – HamGab


Next Meeting

  • “It All Began with Radio”
  • September 3, 2021
  • Crestwood Civic Center
    14025 S. Kostner Ave., Crestwood, IL

President’s Column

What a great and well attended Hamfest.

Secretary’s Beat

Minutes from the August 6th, 2021 general meeting

Tech License Class

  • Begins 9/20/21
  • Details Here

Hamfest Ticket Sales

  • Gate Sales rose 33% from 2019!

Hamfest Pics

  • Don took a few pictures!

Al N9ZD’s Lightning Strike

  • A few pics of Al’s VHF/UHF antenna

This USB Drive is a Computer?

  • yes… and crazy dangerous to the unsuspecting

Hamfesters VE Testing

  • Walkins accepted with FRN number in hand

Monthly Contest Calendar

  • From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

Other Club Info

  • Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Meets 1st Friday of every month
at 7:30 PM at
Community Church
15500 S. 73rd Ave.,
Orland Park, IL
PO Box 651
Orland Park, IL
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President – Nora KC9MLVSteve – W9KXT
Vice President – Jim W9JPRCindy – N9CAS
Secretary – Patty KC9LYEDon – KC9EQQ
Treasurer – Kurt WB9FMCDennis - KC9DSP
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQJohn – KB9FQB
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
HamGab Editor

Hamfest:  What a great and well attended Hamfest.  Congratulations and thanks to our Hamfest Chairman, Don KC9EQQ.  Thank you to those members who volunteered their time to make it a success.  Thank you for your special donations to our Hamfest by Scott and Kimberly Davis for the N3FJP software package and Craig Buck K4IA Easy Way Ham Books for the several books he sent to us for prizes.  Special thank you to our long standing Vendors, Steve from Amateur Accessories and Dennis at Silver Needles and Joe from Cable X-perts. And thank you for your Contributions as our speaker, Ron Delpiere-Smith, KD9IPO, Vice President, Chicago Suburban Radio Association and ARRL Assistant Section Manager-Illinois.  It was a very informative program.

HEALTH AND WELFARE:  Hope everyone is staying safe and well.  Prayers are also being sent to those members who are suffering or struggling. 

THEY ARE IN:  We will have T-Shirts and Polos for sale at the next meeting.  Prices as follows:   T-Shirts at $15.00 and Polo Shirts at $20.00.  Try to bring exact change please.  Get them before they are gone. 

NEW MEMBER:  Welcome to Samuel Mullins K9STM.

SEPTEMBER MEETING:   Don KC9EQQ will speak.  Program “It all began with Radio”.  His life journey through all things radio. Let us all take a moment on September 11th to reflect and pray for all those affected by the events of 9-11-2001. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones, along with all the First Responders and Military personnel who gave up their lives so that we could continue to appreciate and enjoy our lives in this great nation of ours. God Bless America.

OCTOBER MEETING:  Club nominations.   Trick or Treat, want to know what’s in your future, a little bit of magic, ghosts or Ghostbusters.  You will just have to attend to see.  Should be a lot of fun.

NOVEMBER MEETING:  If necessary, Club elections. BUT WAIT- there’s more! Orchestra Leader STEVE COOPER AND HIS TRIO WILL BE PERFORMING LIVE AT OUR NOVEMBER 5TH MEETING! BRING A GUEST AS ADMISSION IS FREE. We will start promptly at 7:30pm, so please arrive early . Steve has become a favorite of Hamfesters for a number of years and is looking forward to what will be a great evening of fun, music and fond memories of an era gone by.

DECEMBER MEETING:  Will be our Christmas and Award Dinner.  Please note the date will be a week later on Friday, December 10, 2021.  Price of tickets will remain at $25.00 per person.  Arrival time will be 6:30 p.m. with buffet style dinner to start approximately 7:00 – 7:15 p.m.  The location will be the Bridgeview Community Center located at 7902 S. Oketo Ave., Bridgeview, IL.   And this year we will have entertainment provided after dinner with a special performance by Charles Magicien.  Charles is an excellent magician known both locally and internationally as a superb performer that will leave you awestruck at his incredible performance! Be sure to get your tickets now!

Now is the time to start thinking if you may be interested in running for board or officer of the club.  Also, we are looking for new ideas for next year for programs.  If you know someone or something that may be of interest to the Club, please let Don KC9EQQ know.

As always, we ask you to keep an eye on the website ( (dutifully brought to us by Brian Davis and Gene Phillips) for the most current happenings in our club. Remember to Like us on our Hamfesters Page and spread the word about our great club too! We are the fun place to have a good time of fellowship at all of our events!

Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes

Hamfesters radio club meeting in person Aug. 6, 2021 7:37pm.

25 members, 2 visitors, Charley Dieringer,(visitor), 8th grader studying for his Tech license.

The Sept. meeting is Sept. 3rd here at 7:30pm.

Minutes: July club minutes approved by Steve w9kxt, Ron kb9tcx.

Treasurer’s Report: by Kurt wb9fmc, club has money in savings, and checking accounts. Our hamfest Aug. 1, 2021 we made a profit.

Programs: Tonight’s program a video, Mystery Antennas presented by Brian w9hlq.

We need program ideas for 2022.

Membership & Education: by Brian w9hlq, new member Stan, he’s a VE.
We will have a Tech class on Zoom in Sept. Also, maybe a general class in winter 2022. See for details.

Hamfest 2021: by Don kc9eqq, Thanks to all who helped;
security Cindy n9cas, Rich kb9ntx, prize table Mike wa9zpm, sound system, Mike k9amc, Aidan kd9lgi, and Chris McGuire(Chris is a ham).
fellowship for the vendors the night before.
We might change the date of our hamfest.

Hamfest 2021 ticket sales: by Jim w9jpr, gate 427, advanced top sales Brian w9hlq, Cindy n9cas.

New Business: We need a volunteer to bring coffee and donuts to club meetings. See Nora kc9mlv.
The 2022 Lions Club 5K run see Cindy n9asc.
Hamfesters shirts; t-shirts $15.00, polo $20.00.

Adjournment: Ron kb9tcx, Kurt kb9fmc 9:07 pm.

Charlie Dieringer won split the pot
Door Prize winners; Ray kd9law, Don kc9eqq, Sam k9scm, Connie ac9ck,
Dan ka9bar, Mike wa9zpm, Charlie Dieringer won a Tech study book.

Technician License Class

Hamfesters Radio Club is offering a 5 evening online virtual classroom
training for those who wish to obtain their FCC authorized Technician level Amateur Radio license.

• Training will be via virtual classroom
• No charge for the training, however, the ARRL License Manual will be required. (Ordering info is on our web site)
• Class times are Monday evenings 7 pm to 9 pm
• We begin on September 20, 2021

More information and sign up details can be found here:

Hamfest Ticket Sales

Hamfest ticket sales were way up over last year but that’s because we didn’t have a hamfest last year. They were pretty good compared to our last fest in 2019 too. The perfect weather was a definite bonus.

Advanced tickets dipped a little from 2019’s sales, 129 vs 139, but gate sales rose from 301 to 427, an increase of more than 33 percent. The top advanced ticket seller was Pete Jachimiec with 50 and there was a tie for top gate seller between Brian Davis W9HLQ and Ray Gramas KA9ITZ. Each had 73.

Other advanced ticket sellers were Cindy Schlaustas N9CAS, Rich Bacorn KB9NTX, Steve Peters W9KXT, Chuck Dierenger N9DKJ, Ron Delpiere KD9IPO, Nora Pointer KC9MLV, and Chuck Bilstrand KB9RGI.

Also working the gates were Bob Fleischmann N9KWG, Cathy Fleischmann KC9NRH, Ron Kalat KB9TCX, Lenny McCain KB9OUQ, Chuck Bilstrand, and Larry Schwab KB9REV. Special thanks to Dan Haug K9BAR who worked two shifts.  

Extra special thanks go to Rich Bacorn and Cindy Schlaustas who worked the night shift.

Hamfest Pics

Al N9ZD’s Lightning Strike

A few pics from Al’s lightning strike to his VFH/UHF antenna. There was significant damage to many devices through his QTH.

This USB Drive is a computer?

by Gene Phillips

Computers have become amazing small devices for what they are capable of. So small that pc can look like a USB drive for $8! These USB computers get power from the USB port they are plugged into. So they instantly turn on and start hacking the connected computer.

You might think this is a 32GB thumb drive?

Nope, it’s a computer!

Imagine you are working on your laptop at a coffee shop. You need a refill of your “quad 20 ounce s’mores mocha cafe latte”. First, you do the due diligence and lock your Winders 98 laptop. Now while you are just a few feet away ordering your intense caffeinated coffee, Someone plugs in a “thumb drive” into your laptop. Within a few seconds, this “thumb drive” hacks your computer and now the hackers have complete control! The bad guy pulls the “thumb drive” from your computer, you return, none the wiser what the bad guy just did.

Depending on what the goal was of the “bad guy”, you may never know or you may know right away!

When thumb drives were just thumb drives, we could turn off the “autorun” when a thumb drive is plugged in. This would give a chance to see the contents of the drive before any programs were run from it.

This practice is no longer good enough. Since this “computer thumb drive” is a computer too, it can attack your pc within a few seconds of it being plugged in. The trick is the “bad usb” disguises itself as a keyboard connected to your laptop and will send commands to your laptop within seconds!

Here is a quick 30 sec YouTube video advertising a company that makes these devices YouTube Link

Now, these devices can be used for legit reasons such as deploying updates to a bunch of computers quickly.

So my closing note here is, be careful with who has physical access to your pc/laptops.

Hamfesters VE Testings

Hamfesters conducts FCC authorized VE (volunteer examiner) tests for Technician, General, and Extra class licenses monthly.

Date: 2nd Saturday of each Month

Location: Oak Forest City Hall, 15440 Central Ave, Oak Forest, IL 60452

Time: 0900 hrs

Walk-ins accepted with FRN number in hand

The VE Team is NOT CONSIDERING any exams during the Hamfester’s Hamfest in August.

Exam Candidates: You are REQUIRED to register in the FCC CORES system and receive a FCC Registration Number (FRN) before exam day. Already Licensed? Please bring your Amateur License and Copy of Your License. Also, Bring any CSCE from previous Exams and A Copy if FCC has not acted upon.

Exam Session Requirements
Candidates could go directly to the FCC CORES User Account and Registration

FEES: (currently $15) for the test. We urge you to bring the exact amount of cash. NO CHECKS or CREDIT CARDS EXCEPTED!

VE Coordinator: Al Bukowski – N9ZD



Exam Day
What to Bring to an ARRL Exam Session:

  1. One legal photo ID (identification):
    a. State Driver’s License
    b. Government issued Passport
    c. Military or Law Enforcement Officer Photo ID card
    d. Student School Photo ID card
    e. State Photo ID card
  2. If no photo ID is available, two forms of identification:
    a. Non-photo State ID card (some states still have them)
    b. Birth certificate (must have the appropriate seal)
    c. Social security card
    d. Employer’s wage statement or Minor’s work permit
    e. School ID card
    f. School or Public Library card
    g. Utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or a postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on
    the Form 605.
  3. Students/minors without a photo ID need to bring only one of the above items if a legal guardian presents their photo ID; otherwise two non-photo IDs are required. Minor children (under the age of 18) may be accompanied in the room by an adult during the test.
  4. FCC Registration Number (FRN): VECs are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form.
    New license applicants MUST create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions.
    Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC. Examinee Must bring their FRN number to the Exam Session.
    For instructions on how to register your SSN and receive an FRN from the FCC, visit the FCC’s Registration page and the FCC’s Registration instructions page. Per FCC rules, a valid email address is also mandatory on the application form.
  5. If applicable, bring a printed copy of either your official Amateur Radio license or a reference copy available from the FCC website, or the original(s) and photocopy(s) of any Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you may hold from previous exam sessions. If your license has already been issued by FCC, the CSCE showing license credit is not needed. The photocopy(s) will not be returned.
    Instructions on how to obtain an official FCC license copy are on our Obtain License Copy web page.
  6. Two number two pencils with erasers and a pen for in-person sessions.
  7. A calculator with the memory erased and formulas cleared is allowed. You may not bring any written notes or calculations into the exam session. Slide rules and logarithmic tables are acceptable, as long as they’re free
    of notes and formulas. Cell phone must be silenced or turned off during the exam session and the phones’ calculator function may not be used. In addition, iPhones, iPads, Androids, smartphones, Blackberry devices
    and all similar electronic devices with a calculator capability, may NOT be used.

September 2021 Contest Calendar

From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

+ All Asian DX Contest, Phone0000Z, Sep 4 to 2359Z, Sep 5
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint0600Z-0800Z, Sep 4
+ AGCW Straight Key Party1300Z-1600Z, Sep 4
+ PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint2000Z, Sep 4 to 2000Z, Sep 5
+ CWOps CW Open2000Z-2359Z, Sep 4
+ Tennessee QSO Party1800Z, Sep 5 to 0300Z, Sep 6
+ MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint2300Z, Sep 6 to 0300Z, Sep 7
+ ARS Spartan Sprint0100Z-0300Z, Sep 7
+ FOC QSO Party0000Z-2359Z, Sep 11
+ WAE DX Contest, SSB0000Z, Sep 11 to 2359Z, Sep 12
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon1200Z, Sep 11 to 2359Z, Sep 12
+ ARRL September VHF Contest1800Z, Sep 11 to 0300Z, Sep 13
+ North American Sprint, CW0000Z-0400Z, Sep 12
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Sep 13
+ AGB NEMIGA Contest2100Z-2359Z, Sep 17
+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest0600 local, Sep 18 to 2359 local, Sep 19
+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW1200Z, Sep 18 to 1200Z, Sep 19
+ Texas QSO Party1400Z, Sep 18 to 2000Z, Sep 19
+ QRP Afield1500Z-2100Z, Sep 18
+ Washington State Salmon Run1600Z, Sep 18 to 2359Z, Sep 19
+ New Jersey QSO Party1600Z, Sep 18 to 0359Z, Sep 19
+ New Hampshire QSO Party1600Z, Sep 18 to 2200Z, Sep 19
+ North American Sprint, RTTY0000Z-0400Z, Sep 19
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest2300Z, Sep 19 to 0100Z, Sep 20
+ 144 MHz Fall Sprint1900 local-2300 local, Sep 20
+ SKCC Sprint0000Z-0200Z, Sep 22
+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY0000Z, Sep 25 to 2359Z, Sep 26
+ Maine QSO Party1200Z, Sep 25 to 1200Z, Sep 26
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest1400Z-1800Z, Sep 25

Club Information

Meetings and VE

Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.

Board Meetings:
Our monthly Board meetings are open to every member.  We hold the meetings via Zoom on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 pm.  If you would like to attend a meeting you must contact Brian, W9HLQ to be invited to the Zoom meeting.  Contact him the weekend before the meeting to be placed on the list.  You will receive the invite on the Monday morning of the Board meeting.

Special Activities

Hamfester’s Big Peotone

August 1st, 2021
Will County Fairgrounds in Peotone, IL

Field Day:

SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman

Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Walkins excepted with FRN number in hand See details here.
Exam fee is $15.00.
Al N9ZD, VE Team Chairman

Nets/Contact Info
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

Brian ,W9HLQ
Gene, W9PNG

Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL 60445
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec


Don KC9EQQ on my Bike

Photos from the June Meeting


Notice: Beginning with Feb 2021, all HamGab issues will be gluten and salt-free. This is part of my commitment to provide you with the healthiest and environmentally friendly reading possible. You will notice no degradation in image quality due to the clever design of the editor. If you choose to print HamGab we suggest you use low-fat, vegetarian-based ink in your printer.