May 2020 – HamGab


Next Meeting May 1st @ 7:30

  • For the first time in W9AA history, our general meeting will be virtual using Zoom!
  • Please use earbuds / headphones, this will help to reduce possible feedback through your mic.
  • Zoom will start @ 7pm so participants can chat before the meeting
  • Business meeting starts @ 7:30 pm at which time everyone but speakers will be muted.
  • For questions during the meeting, use the “Raise Hand” in Zoom
  • Watch your email on May 1st for the link!

President’s Column

It was good to see Ron WA9RHU pay us a visit at our meeting.

Secretary’s Beat

  • Due to COVID-19, the April 2020 meeting was canceled

Dayton Hamvention 2020

  • Canceled Due to COVID-19

CQ Field Day

  • Accepting nominations for GOTA call

General Class Finished

God Bless all our healthcare workers and all people on the front line during this pandemic.

Nora Pointer KC9MLV

Hamfester’s VE Testing

  • For details click the link above.

The Famous 807

When you are free to go out with the gang for a beer, have an 807 for me.

-=Brian, W9HLQ=-

Where did Triscuit Cracker Come From?


-=Brian, W9HLQ=-

Other Club Info

  • Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!

Photos from the March Meeting

  • White Elephant Sale!

PO Box 474
Crestwood, IL

Meets 1st Friday of every month at the
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 S Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL

May Birthdays
Bob Oneill
Brian Davis
Carl Coffelt
Cathy Fleischmann
David Bukowski
Donald Pointer
Gregg Rosenberg
John Nagle
Steve Hennenfent

President – Nora KC9MLV
Vice President – Jim W9JPR
Secretary – Patty KC9LYE
Treasurer – ED WA9EOL
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQ
Trustee – Gene W9PNG

Board Members
Steve – W9KXT
Kurt – WB9FMC
Cindy – N9CAS
Don – KC9EQQ
Rich – KB9NTX
John – KB9FQB

HamGab Editor
Gene – W9PNG

President’s Column


MAY 2020

Hope this column finds everyone staying in and staying safe. We appreciate everyone’s understanding through this pandemic that we cannot have our usual physical in person meeting. We will get through this and we as a club like so many other Ham clubs will begin to meet again and enjoy each other’s company and fellowship once again. Don and I look forward to that day as we miss you all dearly. God bless you and yours.

HEALTH AND WELFARE: Best wishes and prayers go out to any members who are not feeling well and struggling with your health matters. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless all our healthcare workers and all people on the front line during this pandemic. We must remember and keep in our prayers and thoughts those who have lost their lives due to the current Covid 19 virus. We also must remember all those who serve in the medical fields and First Responder Departments that are working hard 24/7 to care for those who are currently battling this terrible disease. Please let us follow all guidelines that are in place at this writing which serve to protect us from devastating effects of which this disease can bring forth to everyone young and old, rich or poor and regardless of ethnic and economic backgrounds.

I was informed by a member that the wife of a former president of Hamfesters, Doug Johnson (1975) had passed away in late March. Hamfesters extends their condolences to the family. Also, we have lost a long time member, Dan Busta W9GOB, SK. Dan was a great guy and a member to many clubs. He will be missed. Our sincere sympathy and condolences go out to his family.

EDUCATION: The recent General Class was able to continue thanks to our great teachers, Brian W9HLQ, Mike K9ACM, Kurt WB9FMC. Brian was able to adapt the weekly meetings and used the Zoom platform to keep everyone together and continue passing on their knowledge to these eager Techs to upgrade to the next level. Good Luck on your Test. Speaking of testing, once again we needed to come up with a solution on how to get the testing done with the facility being closed to the public. And Al and Steve Peters were able to work it out. Thanks, everybody for all your efforts.

MAY MEETING: Due to the COVID-19 virus situation, and the Governors Stay at Home Order, once again we will not be able to gather in person for our May meeting. We may try to present a Zoom meeting on our regular meeting night. Keep an eye on the web site for further updates and monitor your email. If we are able to present something on our May 1, 2020, meeting night, you will be sent an invitation with a secure code to join the Zoom meeting.

T-Shirts: Once we are able to meet again, Hamfesters T-Shirts will be available for purchase.

MEMORIAL DAY: I would be remiss if I did not mention the importance to all of us during this month of which Memorial Day is part, of that we should remember all those who gave their lives as American Military men and women fighting to keep our nation free.

As always, we ask you to keep an eye on the website for the most current happenings in our club. Remember to Like us on our Hamfesters Page and spread the word about our great club too! We are a fun place to have a good time of fellowship at all of our events!

73, Nora Pointer KC9MLV
President of Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club of Crestwood
P.S: If you need to reach me, please email me at:

Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes

Due to COVID-19, the April 2020 meeting was cancelled

CQ Field Day

de Jim Riley W9JPR

These are strange times we live in. As I write this during the fourth week of shelter in place for COVID-19, it’s April 15 and there’s heavy snow coming down. That’s the same as last year as I wrote the May Field Day article. What’s different is there might not be a Field Day as we know it. With the current confusion about when or if the country’s going to open up and how that might happen, Field Day might be as normal or we all might be operating from home.

That being said, we’re going to follow the old emergency management maxim: “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.” Obviously, the best scenario would be Field Day on June 27 and 28 at Southbridge Church, one block West of Harlem on 155th St. or, if you prefer, Wheeler Drive, with setup beginning at 0800 and operations running from 1800Z Saturday to 1800Z Sunday.

The worst would be operating from home during those hours as Class 1D. It’s not a bad option but definitely not as much fun as being in a group. Maybe you could operate from your back yard. That’s what I plan to do during the day at least.

There are other options, too, depending on the size of your property and the tolerance of your neighbors to generator noise.

No matter what, make sure your Field Day logging software has the latest update that includes the new RAC section of Prince Edward Island.

I leave you with the following from the ARRL which explains the situation much better than I can.

Field Day 2020 — A Time to Adapt
Many individuals and groups organizing events for Field Day 2020 have been contacting ARRL for guidance on how to adapt their planned activities in this unprecedented time of social distancing and uncertainty.

“Due to the unique situation presented this year, this can be an opportunity for you, your club, and/or group to try something new,” ARRL Contest Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said. “Field Day isn’t about doing things the same way year after year. Use this year to develop and employ a new approach that is in line with the current circumstances.”

Social distancing and state and local requirements very likely will impact just how — and even whether — you are able to participate in Field Day this year. ARRL continues monitoring the coronavirus situation, paying close attention to information and guidance offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If social distancing means that Class A with a 30-member team set up in a city park won’t work this year, then it’s time for a Plan B. Part of the Field Day concept has always been adapting your operation to the situation at hand. At its heart, Field Day is an emergency communication demonstration. Field Day rules are flexible enough to allow individuals and groups to adjust their participation and strategies in a way that still addresses their needs while being fun. Some possibilities:

• Encourage club members to operate from their home stations on emergency power (Class E).
• Use the club’s repeater as a means for individual participants to keep in touch during the event.
• Family members interested in operating Field Day and unable to participate as part of a larger group may want to consider setting up a portable station in the backyard with a temporary antenna.

One big impact this year will be a decline in public visibility and any interaction with the visitors. Prudence may dictate dispensing with the ham radio PR table to attract passersby, should you set up in a more public location. It’s okay not to score all the bonus points you may have attempted in the past. Local and served agency officials may be unwilling to visit, which is understandable under the circumstances.

Do be sure to reach out to them as part of your preparations and remind them that you look forward to continuing your working relationship with them in the future.

The impact will differ from place to place, so ARRL recommends that all amateur radio clubs participating in Field Day stay in regular contact with local or state public health officials for their advice and guidance on hosting Field Day activities.

Demonstrating an understanding of the health crisis we all face and your willingness to adapt will show that you and your club or group are good working partners with local or served agencies.

“With any emergency preparedness exercise, it’s not about adapting the situation to your operation, it’s about adapting your operation to the situation that presents itself,” Bourque said. “Try something different. Learn something new about how you prepare. It may be a challenge, and you may have to ask yourself if you’re up to the challenge. We hope to hear you on the air over the June 27 – 28 weekend.” — Thanks to Paul Bourque, N1SFE, and Dan Henderson, N1ND

Hamfesters General Class has Finished

On April 8th, 2020 we finished our 5 session General license training class. The class was taught by Mike, K9AMC and Brian, W9HLQ. We finished with 6 who are ready for their VE test. We started the class on March 11 at the SouthBridge Community Church in Orland Park, IL thanks to Kurt, WB9FMC. We had one session at the church then due to the virus outbreak it was decided to not meet together again. Mike suggested we try using the now famous conferencing program, Zoom. He started the second week with Zoom by meeting 30 minutes early to make sure all were on board. And the session went quite well. No one had serious trouble getting connected and the video picture working. We could all see and hear each other while the instructor showed the slides. In fact, I think the students could see the visuals much better.

Due to the virus outbreak the VE test presented by Hamfesters has been delayed. So our success measurement of a group of new Generals will be delayed. My thanks to Mike for his help and to the students for rolling with the changes necessitated by the world situation. Good luck to those who are standing by for their VE test.

VE Testing

Hamfesters VE Testing Report
Al Bukowski N9ZD – VE coordinator

The Hamfester’s VE examinations to Continue on APPOINTMENT TIMES ONLY for the remainder of the year. NO WALK-INS

The Hamfester’s Radio Club VE test session(s) for 5/9 – 6/13 – 7/11 – 8/8 – 9/12 – 10/10 – 11/14 – 12/12  will be Appointment only.

Candidates MUST email to get an appointed time (earliest 8AM), other instructions, and directions to the Exam Location
Liaison Al Bukowski (N9ZD)  
      ( )

TEST Location: TBD – Oak Forest, IL  60452  (will be using a VE’s Garage for now unless Oak Forest City Hall reopens)

VE Stock test material will be in Plastic protective sleeves to protect the next user after disinfectant cleaner applied.

NOTE: Since Hamfester’s average candidate attendance the past years has been average of 4, the 
Appointment times will be 3 candidates 8:00 AM / 3 candidates 9:30AM /  3 candidates 11:00AM  / Flexible as needed

A Special ‘Thank You’ to All the VE’s volunteering there Saturday morning to assist me at the Exam sessions.

The Famous 807

The RCA 807 beam power tube was used by the thousands in radio gear for WW2. After the war, they became surplus and sold very cheaply. I have seen them years ago for a $1.00 each; under the bench at a flea market. The 807 is a 6L6 power tube with a high voltage plate on the top. Hams would put 4 in parallel and run some real power. They make great transmitting tubes: some call them “bottles”. The term crossed over for a bottle of beer to mean “807”. So you can imagine a ham in his ham shack talking on the air and leaning back in the chair with an 807. Thus the term widely used here is an “807” means a beer of any sort. It spread to mean any adult beverage. Some think the 807 looks like a beer bottle.

So now you know. When you are free to go out with the gang for a beer, have an 807 for me.

73, Brian, W9HLQ

Where did Triscuit Cracker Come From?

Hams deal with electricity all the time. Here is the first food product produced by electricity.
Next time you have Triscuits and cheese for a snack you will know how they were baked.

In the early 1900’s, Triscuit was run out of Niagara Falls. And their big selling point? Being “baked by electricity.” They were “the only food on the market prepared by this 1903 process.” Look at the lightning bolts! And that’s when it clicked–

Elec-TRI-city Biscuit (three ingredients) + bisCUIT : TRISCUIT


-=Brian, W9HLQ=-

Club Information

Meetings and VE

Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.

Board Meetings: 7:30 PM on
the 4th Monday of each month
at the
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S.73rd.
Orland Park, IL

VE TESTING: Testing currently by appointment only. See details here. Exam fee is now $15.00. Al N9ZD
VE Team Chairman

Special Activities

Hamfester’s Big Peotone
: Our annual
Hamfest coming August 2nd,
2019 @ Will County Fairgrounds,
Peotone, IL.

Field Day: Join the W9AA crew
for one of the best Field Days ever
on June 27-28, 2020 at
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman

MAKERS: we participate in the
annual Southwest Chicago
Makers Faire

Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Nets/Contact Info

*Nets Currently Offline*
: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

Brian ,W9HLQ
Granville, W9PNG

Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec


Pics from March Meeting
