July 2022 – HamGab


Next Meeting


Independence Day
History of Yaesu
  • July 8th, 2022
  • Bridgeview Community Center
  • 7902 S. Oketo, Bridgeview

President’s Beat

No Report

Secretary’s Beat

Minutes from the June 2022 general meeting

CQ Field Day

Our band is back together!

Hamfest Ticket Sales

Hamfest tickets and flyers are now available!


  • SOLD!
  • Flex Radio w/ pc & software

FOR SALE by Owner

  • Kurt WB9FMC

Collecting stamps vs. seashells

By Wayne N6KR

ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program

  • ARRL will cover the one-time $35 fee

Hamfesters VE Testing

  • Walk-ins accepted with FRN number in hand

Monthly Contest Calendar

  • From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

Other Club Info

  • Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Meets 1st Friday of every month
at 7:30 PM at
Community Church
15500 S. 73rd Ave.,
Orland Park, IL
PO Box 651
Orland Park, IL
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President – Nora KC9MLVSteve – W9KXT
Vice President – Jim W9JPRCindy – N9CAS
Secretary – Patty KC9LYEDon – KC9EQQ
Treasurer – Kurt WB9FMCDennis - KC9DSP
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQJohn – KB9FQB
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
HamGab Editor
Dennis -KC9DSPKC9DSP@gmail.com

No Report

Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes

Hamfesters W9AA amateur radio club Friday, June 3, 2022, @ Bridgeview Community center 7:30 pm

Our July meeting will be held on the 8th, 7:30 pm at the Bridgeview community center.
Important reminder; Check Hamfesters.org for club updates, and news.
It’s summer, that means our club has a lot going on, you don’t want to miss out.

Attendance: 20 members, and 1 visitor. Welcome everyone!

New member: by Brian w9hlq, is Bob McDonald n9wdv. Welcome Bob!

Roll: Jim w9jpr, and Patti kc9lye

Nora kc9mlv, and Don kc9eqq, are working, so they’re not with us tonight.

Secretary Report: by Patti kc9lye, my thanks to Connie ac9ck, for selling split-the-pot tickets tonight.
We still need a volunteer to bring treats to our monthly club meetings. The club pays for these treats.
Please contact Nora kc9mlv, or Don kc9eqq, for details.

Minutes: approved by John kb9fqb, & Dan ka9bar.

Health & Welfare: by Brian w9hlq, Gregg ab9mz, is doing well. By Patti kc9lye, Kurt wb9fmc, has the flu.

Tonight’s program: Field Day’s 2021, 1990’s, & 1980’s by Jim w9jrp.
July 8th Again, check the website for updates. At the Bridgeview community center, our annual picnic.
Pot Luck and the club will buy pizza. Also, we’ll have a speaker at our picnic, n9ucp, he’s with Yeasu.

Field Day 2022: by Jim w9jpr, June 25-26th at the church in Orland Park (see website), setup 8:00 am,
transmission begans at 1 pm, Hamfesters is 3A. Our Goto tent, we might rent, or use our old tent.
This year Vicky wd9veu, informed hams that June is Field Day month.

Jim w9jpr, has sent out publicity for field day. If you see the publicity, send a copy to Jim, our club gets FD points.
Meals: Saturday lunch by Connie ac9ck, build your own taco, dinner by Rick w9doq, beef, and pasta, Sunday (also by Rick) a big wonderful breakfast.
Field Day photos: Rick w9doq, might bring a drone to field day.

Hamfesters VE testing: by Al n9zd, monthly testing Saturday, June 11th, nobody has pre-registered yet.

New Business: Brian w9hlq, in July there might be a Hamfesters in-person tech class.

Old Business: Rick w9doq, has Hamfesters merch; t-shirts, polo, & sweatshirts.
It’s nice quality, take a look.

Split-the-Pot winner: Keith ka9hlp, he gave his winnings back to the club. Thanks Keith!

Adjournment: Ron kb9tcx at 9:03pm

CQ Field Day

de Jim Riley W9JPR

In “The Blues Brothers,” Jake and Ellwood were in a quest to get their band back together. We don’t have to face that kind of quest. Our band is back together. Your station leaders from past years are signed up and ready to go and our meals are all set. Not only are we going to have a good time, we’re going to eat very well too. All we need is you to join us.

   The big news for this month is the price increase of Field Day pins. Patty KC9LYE will still be taking orders at the June meeting but we have to raise our price to $7.00. Not only has the ARRL added sales tax but now they’ve added shipping. It used to be you could send them six bucks to order a pin for yourself and they would mail it to you for free. Now a single pin is going to set you back $11.88 with the added tax and shipping charges. Our price of seven bucks is a real bargain in comparison. Buying in bulk pays.

   All orders must be placed by the end of the June meeting. I will order the next day so we can have them in time for distribution at the event. Can’t make the meeting? You can send a check made out to me at my roster address.

   As of this writing, the tent situation is still in doubt. We hope to have a final decision before the meeting.

   If you absolutely can’t join us for Field Day, you can still help if you operate from home. There’s a place in the log submission form to add your points to our score. Just enter Hamfesters Radio Club on the appropriate line.

   Field Day 2022 is June 25 and 26 at SouthBridge Church on Wheeler Drive (155th St.), just west of Harlem. Operations go from 1800Z Saturday to 1800Z Sunday. Setup Saturday is 0800.

Hamfest Ticket Sales

de Jim Riley W9JPR

While a lot of flyers went out at the April meeting, we still have plenty more. Be sure to pick some up at the next meeting. They don’t do any good sitting in my closet. Your club needs YOU to help spread the word.

Your club also needs you to take some tickets to sell. One of our newest members has taken 15 tickets. He’s the only one.

What about the rest of you? There will be only two months until Hamfest after the June meeting. Your club needs YOU to get those tickets in circulation.    Don’t wait for the next meeting. I will do whatever it takes to get tickets and flyers to you. Call my roster number or email w9jpr2016@gmail.com.



Hamfesters Radio club is selling their Flex 5000A SDR and computer system.  The computer is a top-of-the-line Windows 10 with all supporting software.  Refer questions to Brian, W9HLQ.  Price is the best reasonable offer.  

FOR SALE by Owner

Kurtt WB9FMC


Flex 6400 with ATU and extended warranty (good until June 2025).

New Flex PriceWhat I paid (Jun2021)
Flex 6400 w/ATU       $2,429.00$2,289.00
Extended warranty     ??   $175.00
Total                          $2,429.00$2,464.00

Asking $2,200.00

Note: To transfer the warranty costs $89.00

Also: I have a Maestro on order for $1,199.00 with a 2023 delivery date. The price is currently $1,299.00. I don’t know if that price will “hold” until they build them, but I might be willing to split the difference when it becomes available.

Drake Equipment

Note: I have listed here what WB4HFN gathered prices for this equipment in 2009.*

 WB4HFN 2009 prices 
2-B receiver$201 
2-BQ speaker & Q multiplier$160(both: $435)
T-4XC transmitter$340 
R-4C receiver$570 
AC-4 power supply$193 
MS-4 speaker$127 
FS-4 frequency synthesizer$585(complete station: $1,815)
DC-3 power supply$68 

2-B/2-BQ Asking $400

4 Twins w/FS-4: Asking $1,500

Note: I would like to sell the 2B/2BQ as a set as well as the Drake 4 twins and FS-4 as a set. I am open to all offers.

* See: http://www.wb4hfn.com/DRAKE/DrakeSalePriceHistory.htm

Kurtt  WB9FMC kurtt@pinrod.com (773) 284-9500

Collecting stamps vs. seashells

 — and why this is not wildly O.T.

By Wayne N6KR

During my childhood, I watched my dad indulge his hobby: collecting stamps.

Most of the time his collection hibernated in two large photo albums on a shelf in the family room, seemingly forgotten.
Then once a month, by prior arrangement, he’d receive a package of envelopes and postcards in the mail. Each item sported one or more canceled stamps. Dad would fill a bowl with water, soak the stamps until they floated free, then lay them on a piece of wood by a window to dry in the hot San Diego sunshine. Once they were dry enough to handle, he’d pull out the albums and cement the stamps to blank pages in perfect rows and columns.
One album held foreign stamps, the other domestic. I’d admire their colors and artwork. Sometimes I’d ask him questions about their monarchs, palaces, and currency denominations. But Dad seemed most interested in the fact that they were each slightly different — their social, political, or geographical nature was secondary.
When I was six or seven I started collecting coins in binders, emulating the lazy rhythm of my dad’s pastime. This didn’t last long, because I was soon consumed by an obsession with seashells in all their varied species.
I lived in the perfect place for it. San Diego is famous for its beaches and coves, and I took full advantage of both. On summer weekends, my mother would take my friend Jeff and me to La Jolla, then let us roam while she stretched out on a lawn chair to read and tan. She was oblivious to the risks we were taking.
We found three effective ways to collect shells in their native environment, with escalating levels of difficulty.
First, you could arrive at the beach earlier than anyone else, at low tide, and scavenge for shells among the piles of pebbles and seaweed. This you would do barefoot, while dodging sharp stones, jellyfish, and rogue waves.
Second, you might wander far out onto the sandstone formations to find tide pools that hadn’t been raided. The substrate was slippery with moss; pockmarked with littoral snails, mussels, and keyhole limpets; and periodically doused by breakers. Yet with luck you might reach deep into a bucket-sized hollow and find a well-polished chestnut cowrie among the anemones and hermit crabs. Indians used these egg-shaped cowries as wampum, and considering their beauty and diversity of form, it’s easy to see why.

These two methods soon gave way to what Jeff and I really craved: searching the ocean floor itself for living mollusks. Once we’d both acquired masks, snorkels, and fins, there was nothing to stop us, and no one to teach us how to do it right. We learned the hard way, swallowing seawater and popping our eardrums in pursuit of the deepest free dives we dared attempt. This was probably no more than 15 or 20 feet. But when you’re ten years old, this made you the next Jacques Cousteau. We swam with bright orange garibaldis, snapper, and the occasional bat ray as we scanned the coral shelves for whelks, queen’s tops, turrets, cones, and other spectacular univalves.
Now, we could have collected shells the easy way, by simply purchasing them from the Cove Gift Shop, like everyone else. We considered this cheating, though, taking pride in our arduous adventures. Our treasure was hard-won.

A few years later, armed with a ham license, I began a new collection. I worked stations all over the world first in CW mode, then SSB. Even as a teen I drew a parallel between seashells and DX, not just in terms of rarity or diversity, but in the visceral nature of the hunt.
CW is not an easy skill to master. SSB also requires considerable skill with equipment, on-air technique, timing, and etiquette. Both allow the freedom to carry on short or long QSOs, over wide segments of the spectrum, while expressing your individual style. Both can be pursued at home or in the field, even operating hand-held, no computer required.
CW and SSB signals are there if you know where and when to look. They’re hidden within atmospheric noise, like colorful shells of all sizes hidden by grains of sand. The hunt is still rewarding these days, but more difficult thanks to other preoccupations.

Speaking of which, if you get tired of collecting stamps, let’s say with your VFO parked at 14.074 MHz, wander up or down the band and take a crack at doing things the hard way, using other modes. Listen. Search. Wade knee-deep among the hazards, taking chances, employing new skills.
Better yet, become a mollusk. Get outdoors and call CQ from a wild, windy perch. Or from home, aim your beam in a new direction and pound some old brass.
Let everyone else collect you.


ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program

from ARRL VEC VE Newsletter

The ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program went into effect on April 19, 2022. ARRL will cover the one-time $35 application fee for new license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the ARRL VEC program. The $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than 18-years old would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC VE team at the time of the exam. The $5 fee is for all candidates under the age of 18 regardless of the exam level taken. Proof of under 18 status is required at the session. Visit the ARRL website for the program instructions and reimbursement form at www.arrl.org/youth-licensing-grant-program<http://www.arrl.org/youth-licensing-grant-program>.

The ARRL Board approved the “Youth Licensing Grant Program” at its July 2021 meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, expanding on the scope of the original motion proposed by ARRL Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB. The new program will cover the $35 FCC license application fee for candidates younger than 18-years old. The Board believes that “the recruitment and training of young amateur radio operators is a necessary and proper mission of the ARRL, and that subsidization of the $35 fee will reduce the number of new amateurs that otherwise would be lost from these groups,” the Board said. Initially the new program would serve up to 1,000 new license applicants under 18 years old. The program length is indefinite; it may be renewed or terminated by the Administration and Finance Committee or by the Board of Directors. The motion carried with applause from Board members.

Hamfesters VE Testings

Important Note: Amateur Radio Exams

  1. Bring 2 pencils for the answer sheet, and a Black ink ball point pen for the FCC VEC 605 form we provide.  (FCC registration form)
  2. Exam Candidates: Prior to your arrival. You are REQUIRED to register in the FCC CORES system online and receive a FCC Registration Number (FRN) before exam day.
    Once you have obtained the FRN number, please bring it with you to the exam location. To apply for the FRN, please go here.>>>  https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do 
    Already Licensed? Please bring your Official Amateur License and Photo Copy of Your License. The FRN number is printed on your FCC License. (also found on the GMRS license if you have one) ALL Copies are filed with all testing materials. You will keep the originals. The FCC ULS CORES system must have a valid email address.  Otherwise you may not get your License.
    The FRN number is a requirement on the FCC 605 form we provide and your Exam answer sheet.
  3. A fee of $15 dollars is charged for the examination. Payment is Cash ONLY — no credit cards or checks accepted.
  4. Please bring a photo ID such as a Government Drivers License or US passport.
  5. Exam location is at Oak Forest City Hall 15440 S. Central Ave. Oak Forest.  Enter through the Police Station Door and follow the ARRL EXAM Signs to the Exam Area.
  6. Yes, You may bring your calculator, however you must demonstrate that all memories are erased.

NOTE:     Starting  April 19, 2022 the FCC $35.00 Amateur Application Fee Starts. This new fee will only apply to applicants for a new 10 year License, renewal, rule waiver or a new vanity call sign.  (The $35.00 Application Fee is non-refundable) There will be no charge for future License Upgrades or administrative updates, such as a change of mailing address or email address.

The New $35.00 Fee will NOT be collected by the VE’s (Volunteer Examiners). ALL Exam paperwork including exam fees, answer sheets and Form 605s are mailed to the ARRL-VEC headquarters.  If you passed your exam the ARRL-VEC will submit your information to the FCC. Once the FCC runs batch processing, they will email you the process to pay the $35.00 fee. (usually credit card) You will have Ten calendar days to pay per instructions giving by the FCC. If payment is properly transferred, the FCC will then email instructions to download your License.  You will have 30 days to download the Amateur license. 

Again, The FCC must have your valid email address in the ULS CORES system.

ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program starts on April 19, 2022
Anticipating the implementation of the fee in 2022, the ARRL Board of Directors, at its July 2021 meeting, approved the "ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program <https://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-board-establishes-program-to-cover-initial-fcc-license-fee-for-young-applicants>." Under the program, ARRL will cover a one-time $35 application fee for license candidates younger than 18 years old for tests administered under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC). Qualified candidates also would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC upon examination.

To give yourself practice on all the questions: Please click on the Website below that contains Exam Flash Cards Go to  >>>  https://hamexam.org/   Click on the Flash Cards for the Class of Exam you wish to study. You can also take the practice Exams found on the same Web Site. It’s free and a good practice prior to any Exam Session.

73’s   Al – N9ZD   VE examiner

June 2022 Contest Calendar

From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

+ Tisza Cup CW Contest 0000Z-2359Z, Jun 4
+ 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest 0000Z, Jun 4 to 2359Z, Jun 5
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint 0600Z-0800Z, Jun 4
+ Kentucky QSO Party 1300Z, Jun 4 to 0100Z, Jun 5
+ ARRL Inter. Digital Contest 1800Z, Jun 4 to 2359Z, Jun 5
+ ARS Spartan Sprint 0100Z-0300Z, Jun 7
+ VK Shires Contest 0000Z-2359Z, Jun 11
+ Asia-Pacific Sprint, SSB 1100Z-1300Z, Jun 11
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon 1200Z, Jun 11 to 2359Z, Jun 12
+ Portugal Day Contest 1200Z, Jun 11 to 1200Z, Jun 12
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 1400Z-1800Z, Jun 11
+ GACW WWSA CW DX Contest 1500Z, Jun 11 to 1500Z, Jun 12
+ REF DDFM 6m Contest 1600Z, Jun 11 to 1600Z, Jun 12
+ ARRL June VHF Contest 1800Z, Jun 11 to 0259Z, Jun 13
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint 0000Z-0200Z, Jun 13
+ NTC QSO Party 1900Z-2000Z, Jun 16
+ SMIRK Contest 0000Z, Jun 18 to 2359Z, Jun 19
+ All Asian DX Contest, CW 0000Z, Jun 18 to 2359Z, Jun 19
+ IARU Region 1 50 MHz Contest 1400Z, Jun 18 to 1400Z, Jun 19
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge 1500Z, Jun 18 to 1500Z, Jun 19
+ West Virginia QSO Party 1600Z, Jun 18 to 0400Z, Jun 19
+ ARRL Kids Day 1800Z-2359Z, Jun 18
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 2300Z, Jun 19 to 0100Z, Jun 20
+ SKCC Sprint 0000Z-0200Z, Jun 22
+ Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest 1200Z, Jun 25 to 1200Z, Jun 26
+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB 1200Z, Jun 25 to 1200Z, Jun 26
+ ARRL Field Day 1800Z, Jun 25 to 2100Z, Jun 26

Club Information

Meetings and VE

Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.

Board Meetings:
Our monthly Board meetings are open to every member.  We hold the meetings via Zoom on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 pm.  If you would like to attend a meeting you must contact Brian, W9HLQ to be invited to the Zoom meeting.  Contact him the weekend before the meeting to be placed on the list.  You will receive the invite on the Monday morning of the Board meeting.

Special Activities

Hamfester’s Big Peotone

August 7th, 2022
Will County Fairgrounds in Peotone, IL

Field Day:

June 26-27, 2022
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman

Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Walkins excepted with FRN number in hand See details here.
Exam fee is $15.00.
Al N9ZD, VE Team Chairman

Nets/Contact Info
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

WEB SITE: www.hamfesters.org
Brian ,W9HLQ
Gene, W9PNG

Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL 60445
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec


Photos from the March Meeting


Notice: Beginning with Feb 2021, all HamGab issues will be gluten and salt-free. This is part of my commitment to provide you with the healthiest and environmentally friendly reading possible. You will notice no degradation in image quality due to the clever design of the editor. If you choose to print HamGab we suggest you use low-fat, vegetarian-based ink in your printer.