
Next Meeting Aug 2 @ 7:30
Field Day Report / Stats
Helen’s meatballs were excellent as usual
Estate Sale of K9MS
will accept any reasonable offer
President’s Beat – Hamfest!
Your help is always greatly appreciated!
Secretary’s Beat
- Meeting Minutes
Hamfester’s VE Testing
- Next Session – August 3 – See Details
- Next Session – August 10 – See Details
Other Club Info
- Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Last Meeting Photos
- July Meeting
PO Box 474
Crestwood, IL
Meets 1st Friday of every month at the
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 S Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
August Birthdays
Bill Vehe
Carl Roszczybiuk
Charles Krezwick
Donald Sachnoff
Lenny Mckain
Nicholas Caulfield
Nora Pointer
Rob Dunauant
Robert Harris
Russel Vondrasek
Susan Strickland
President – Nora KC9MLV
Vice President – Jim W9JPR
Secretary – Patty KC9LYE
Treasurer – ED WA9EOL
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQ
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
Board Members
Nora – KC9MLV
Steve – W9KXT
Kurt – WB9FMC
Cindy – N9CAS
Don – KC9EQQ
Rich – KB9NTX
HamGab Editor
Gene Phillips W9PNG

Thank you to everyone who came out to the July picnic meeting and all who brought a dish to share. It was very
well attended. Thank you to Don, Ron, Mike, Steve and Peggy for the program that was presented.
Health and Welfare: We recently lost member, Dave Laveck W0COP, SK. Let’s keep his family in our prayers. Dave was a great guy and he will truly be missed in our Club.
AUGUST MEETING: Okay members, time for one of our biggest meetings of the year. And time for Hamfest on August 4th, 2019. I hope each member has bought their ticket to Hamfest, whether you are going or not. We need your support. Please volunteer your time to help wherever we need help. We can use everybody’s help on August 3rd, at the Hamfest location in Peotone after 4pm with assisting vendors and one another in setting up tables among many other things. Contact Don KC9EQQ for more info. Your help is always greatly appreciated!
UPCOMING EVENT: If you are interested in helping in the fall with communications for the College of DuPage 5K, remember to sign up with Dave Bukowski.
As always, we ask you to keep an eye on the website for the most current happenings in our club. Remember to Like us on our Hamfesters Page on Facebook. On behalf of myself and the Officers and Board members of Hamfesters, thank you for all you do for Hamfesters.
Nora Pointer KC9MLV
President of Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club of Crestwood
P.S: If you need to reach me, please email me at: npointer92@gmail.com
Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes
Hamfesters club meeting June 7, 2019 7:33pm.
Roll Nora KC9MLV, Jim W9JPR, Ed WA9EOL, Patti KC9LYE
There were 35 members, & 3 visitors. Welcome All.
A moment of silence for the 70th anniversary of D-Day
Health & Welfare Lee WB9USF passed away on May 31 at age 93. Lee was a W.W. II veteran and treasurer of our club. Cathy KC9NRH is recovering from surgery, she’s back at work. Gregg AB9MZ is having health concerns.
The club minutes for June were approved by John KB9FQB, & Ed WA9EOL.
Treasurer’s Report by Ed WA9EOL, all clubs bills are paid. Thanks, to Brian W9HLQ, & Gene W9PNC, for taking care
of club’s website.
Hamfest 2019 August 5th Sunday at will county fairgrounds in Peotone, ILL. The vendors night is Saturday, August 4,
it’s fellowship. Aiden KD9LGI, & Mike K9ACM, at our hamfest will run the prize table & make announcements. In the tradition of our Bob K9RDR-sk.
Programs July 12 veterans picnic 6pm setup. There will be a VFW color guard.
October 4th Steve Copper
December 6th Christmas party at Bartolini restaurant. This is a different location, we were at Papa
Joe’s in Orland Park.
Old Business by Dave K9KPD, October 5th at the College of DuPage, 5K run. Dave needs at least 10 volunteers, arrive at 3pm. Email Dave at K9KPD@ARRL.org
Adjournment at 9:03pm by Cindy N9CAS, & Ed WA9EOL.
Split the Pot winner Brock KF9GI
Door Prize winners: Brian W9HLQ, Nora KC9MLV, Ed WA9EOL, Cindy N9CAS, Laura Lockwood, Don K9KNZ, Steve W9KXT
Field Day 2019 – Last Call
De Jim Riley
Field Day 2019 is in the books and it was a good one. The weather cooperated except for a short storm
Sunday morning, we ate very well, and we had 31 participants and 20 visitors.
Due to a late commitment the night before working the radios at Homerfest for the Homer Glen EMA, I was unable to be there right at the start but Steve Peters W9KXT and Brian Davis W9HLQ oversaw the setup and did a great job. The GOTA tent was up when I arrived and all I had to do was bring in my tables and chairs.
Al N9ZD and Dave N9KPD Bukowski were hard at work on the trailer. John Swanson KB9FQB was
working on the digital station and Linas KC9PCP was setting up the VHF/UHF station.
Then there was Kurt Pawlikowski WB9FMC. He had brought an antenna concoction unlike any other and gave it a ten percent chance of a successful erection. Even under his wife Helen’s prayerful observance, it “failed spectacularly.” Ever the optimist, Kurt didn’t have an alternate antenna available and had to build another one. He didn’t get on the air until almost supper time but still managed to rack up 153 CW contacts on 20 meters.
Lunch of hot dogs, tacos, and tamales was served by Nora Pointer KC9MLV and Laura (no call, yet) Lockwood. Despite news of a family tragedy that morning, Laura decided to join us and did a great job.
Gene Phillips W9PNG brought a trailer with some extra tables and twenty more folding chairs. That allowed everyone to enjoy the meal together. We used two of Gene’s tables as noise baffles for the generator and they worked great.
The club’s 10,000 watt generator powered all five stations and ran flawlessly for the entire operation.
W9AA was 3A plus the GOTA and VHF/UHF stations.
Except for Kurt working on his replacement antenna, operations continued through the afternoon. The bands were pretty good throughout the day and we made contacts on every band from 2 through 160 with the exception of 10 meters. Our most unusual contacts were from Linas who loaded the church’s zip line and made five digital Qs on 160.
Laura and Nora’s supper of roast beef sandwiches and Helen’s meatballs were excellent as usual. I had to leave for the evening shift at Homerfest again but they gave me an early sampling to send me on my way.
I returned at 0130 Sunday and, as I approached on Catalina Drive, I noticed flashing lights at the site. My first thought was what have they done now. Fortunately, it was just Dave’s attempt at being safe. He’d put pancake lights on the trailer hitch and his car. Seeing everything was in good hands, I was able to get three hours sleep in my car.
Sunday morning dawned overcast. I was trying to work a Hawaiian station on 40 meters in the GOTA
tent when we had to disconnect due to nearby lightning. He wasn’t there when we got back on but conditions were still good to most of North America.
Ed Broniarczyk WA9EOL soon arrived with his usual yummy breakfast. Too bad there were only eight of us to enjoy it. Hungry overnight operators made a valiant effort to finish everything but Dan Haug K9BAR was able to take home a sizable portion of the ham.
The morning sun had dried out the GOTA tent and teardown went well. GOTA had used our new mast with all its guy ropes but many hands made short work of putting all those ropes away along with the ropes from Kurt’s mast. For the record, that’s 32 ropes put away in about a half-hour.
Many thanks to all who helped in whatever capacity. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks also to Southbridge Church for allowing us free use of their facilities. We’ll be there again next year and I look forward to seeing all of you there. Our top (only) CW operator was Kurt with 153, top phone was Al with 127, top digital was John with 69, and top GOTA was Brian with 54.
Altogether, we worked 45 states, 69 sections, Canada, US Virgin Islands, and one contact all the way to
Here’s a brief summary of how we did:

Cast of Characters
In order of how they signed in
Jim Riley W9JPR: Wearer of many hats
Steve Peters W9KXT: GOTA, setup, teardown
Gregg Rosenberg AB9MZ: GOTA
Bob Fleischmann N9KWG: GOTA, setup, teardown
Don Pointer KC9EQQ: Photography, cute sayings on coolers
Nora Pointer KC9MLV: GOTA, Saturday food prep, Supreme Overlord
Gene Phillips W9PNG: GOTA, setup, teardown, bringer of chairs, tables, and noise baffles
Brian Davis W9HLQ: GOTA, setup, teardown
Rick Cartell W9NKV: Setup
Carolyn Cartell W9HAY: Setup moral support
Rich Schneider KA9HMV: Setup, teardown, raingear model
Connie Kelly AC9CK: GOTA
Dave Bukowski N9KPD: Setup, supplies, trailer station, safety, login sheets, photos, flashing lights
Al Bukowski N9ZD: Trailer Station, setup, teardown
Laura Lockwood: Saturday food prep
Rollo Everett KD9JMO: GOTA, setup, teardown
Ron Schmalz N9QOB: GOTA, food, food, public relations
Helen Pawlikowski: bringer of meatballs
Kurt Pawlikowski WB9FMC: CW, designer of antennas, overseer of their failure
Tim Szymanski KC9POS: Satellite
Linas Matonas KC9PCP: VHF/UHF, zip line antenna
Patti Gulick KC9LYE: logger, FD pinsPeggy Peters K9QLM: GOTA
Cathy Fleischmann KC9NRH: GOTA logger
John Swanson KB9FQB: 20 meter digital
Ed Broniarczyk WA9EOL: GOTA, GOTA call, Sunday breakfast
Dan Haug K9BAR: Setup, teardown, brought home the bacon (ham)
Wayne Lacoy KD9LAW: setup, teardown
Mike Kiley WA9ZPM: setup, teardown
More Field Day Stats!
- FD-2019-Stats.pdf
- FD-2019-ARRL-Submittion.pdf
- FD-2019-Participant-1.pdf
- FD-2019-Participant-2.pdf
- FD-2019-visitors.pdf
For Sale: Ham Gear of Matt, K9MS
The following is a list of ham gear available from the estate of Matt, K9MS. This gear will be available at the Hamfesters hamfest in August, but if you have a serious interest in any of the gear. Contact his son Ed Sobczak at 708/923-6921 Notice: the prices listed are eBay prices and Ed will accept any reasonable offer.

VE Testing
Hamfesters VE Testing Report for HamGab June 2019
Al Bukowski N9ZD – VE coordinator
Hamfesters Amateur Radio Club VEs offer Amateur Radio License Testing for those who want to get their first ham license, or Amateur Hams who want to upgrade to a higher class license. Examination sessions are available on the second Saturday of each month. We will assist you with all necessary paperwork prior to taking your exam. Please make sure you are studying the latest question pool that can be found on the internet, through ARRL publications or Gordon West books. The Exam fee is $15.00 (CASH ONLY – Please NO Checks or Credit Cards.) Also please bring a photo ID with you to the exam. If upgrading, bring your original signed Amateur License and a photocopy we can send with the test results.
If you need information on how to print your FCC License, please go to this url for information. http://www.arrl.org/obtain-license-copy
The exam sessions are held at the Oak Forest City Hall 15440 S. Central Ave. Oak Forest, Il 60452. Please arrive by 9:00 AM. We begin testing promptly at 9:15 AM. Please enter through the marked Police door entrance at City Hall and look for the ARRL Amateur Radio testing signs for directions.
Future VE Exam dates are as follows:
- August 4, 2019 – Location: W9AA Hamfest – Will County Fair Grounds
- August 10, 2019
- September 14, 2019
- October 12, 2019
*******New General Class License Exams will be used after July 1, 2019. If you plan to take the General Exam after this date, you will need to study the new General Class Question pool found here. >>> http://www.ncvec.org/downloads/2019-2023GeneralClassQuestionPool.pdf
Please, it would help the VE Team to pre-register and/or if you have any other questions regarding our test sessions, please contact Al, N9ZD via e-mail at: N9ZD@arrl.net
A Special ‘Thank You’ to All the VE’s volunteering there Saturday morning to assist me at the Exam sessions.
Club Information
Meetings and VE
Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
Crestwood Civic Center
14025 Kostner Ave
Crestwood, IL
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.
Board Meetings: 7:30 PM on
the 4th Monday of each month
at the
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S.73rd.
Orland Park, IL
VE TESTING: Every 2nd
Saturday of the Month at the
Oak Forest City Hall
15440 S. Central Ave.
Testing begins at
9:00 AM but we ask that you arrive 10 minutes early. Exam fee is now $15.00. Al N9ZD
VE Team Chairman
Special Activities
Hamfester’s Big Peotone
Hamfest: Our annual
Hamfest coming August 4th,
2019 @ Will County Fairgrounds,
Peotone, IL.
Field Day: Join the W9AA crew
for one of the best Field Days ever
on June 22-23, 2019 at
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman
MAKERS: we participate in the
annual Southwest Chicago
Makers Faire
Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Nets/Contact Info
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net
WEB SITE: www.hamfesters.org
Brian ,W9HLQ
Granville, W9PNG
Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 474 Crestwood, IL
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec
Meeting Photos