February 2023 – HamGab


Next Meeting

Program: General Meeting

  • Topic: The ABCs of Antennas
  • Friday, February 6th, 2023
  • SouthBridge Community Church
  • 15500 S. 73rd, Orland Park, IL

Secretary’s Beat

  • By Jim W9JPR

Brian Davis W9HLQ, sk

  • by Gene Phillips

Field Day

  • Jim Riley W9JPR

General Meeting Security Update

  • Call if you are late

FOR SALE by Owner

  • Neal WA9FTU handling Brian’s estate
  • Mike K9LSH
  • Ayman N9SES
  • Kurt WB9FMC

ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program

  • ARRL will cover the one-time $35 fee

Hamfesters VE Testing

  • Walk-ins accepted with FRN number in hand

Monthly Contest Calendar

  • From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

Other Club Info

  • Locations, times, dates, nets, and other info!
Meets 1st Friday of every month
at 7:30 PM at
Community Church
15500 S. 73rd Ave.,
Orland Park, IL
PO Box 651
Orland Park, IL
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President – Nora KC9MLVSteve – W9KXT
Vice President – Jim W9JPRCindy – N9CAS
Secretary – Patty KC9LYEDon – KC9EQQ
Treasurer – Kurt WB9FMCDennis - KC9DSP
Sgt at Arm – Don KC9EQQJohn – KB9FQB
Trustee – Gene W9PNG
HamGab Editor
Dennis -KC9DSPKC9DSP@gmail.com

Don’t forget Valentine’s Day!

Secretary’s Beat – Meeting Minutes

Call to Order Date: January 6, 2023 Time: 1942

Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

Announcements: Paul KD9RRY upgraded to General

Moment of Silence (if necessary): Observed for Brian Davis W9HLQ

Visitors: Jim Joiner KC9EQP

Health & Welfare: Gregg AB9MZ is still having health issues

Program: Memoriam for Brian Davis. Steve W9KXT said a prayer. Don KC9EQQ, Jim W9JPR, Kurt WB9FMC, Nora KC9MLV, and Connie AC9CK spoke in his memory.

Motion to approve minutes of last meeting: W9KXT Second: N9KWG

Treasurer’s Report: Kurt WB9FMC

Secretary’s Report: Minutes taken by Jim W9JPR in absence of Patty KC9LYE.

Standing Committees

Membership: New member Jim Joiner KC9EQP

Education: No Report

Program: No Report

Publicity: No Report

Hamfest: Tom KA9ZXN reminded everyone about the upcoming WCRA hamfest

Field Day: Jim W9JPR reported that this year’s GOTA call will be W9HLQ

Awards: No Report

Hamgab: Gene W9PNG is the new webmaster

Special Committees

Old Business: No report

New Business: There was some discussion about 90th anniversary events including the possibility of a special event station.

Motion to Adjourn: KC9EQQ Second: KC9EQP Time: 2056

Brian Davis W9HLQ sk

Gene Phillips W9PNG

Not sure where to start. Brian touched a lot of lives throughout his life. I know family was always important. Whenever I talked to Brian, he seemed to always have a new story about his family. Especially his grandkids. He loved to talk about his grandkids.

His second love was ham radio and all aspects of it! In the recent edition of the Tri-Town Oscillator, the author called him a “Ham’s Ham”. I love it! This is so true! Brian was always willing to help a ham out.

Brian leaves quite a hole in the Hamfesters Radio Club. Brian has been a member since 1993. In the last 10 years that I have known Brian, he was an integral part of the club fulfilling many parts as Membership Coordinator, License Instructor, GOTA Expert, and Website Editor. Knowing Brian though, I am sure there were other roles had played throughout the years.

I fear Field Days will never be as much fun without him. Brian was the GOTA coordinator so it was his show. Brian always seemed to have things figured out. No matter the problem, Brian had an answer. And in typical Brian fashion, he was always there to help. From swinging a sledge to drive stakes for that massive tent, and setting up the radio, or the wire antenna.

A treasured memory I will always have is the Dayton trip we did in 2015.

This was the first time for me at Hamvention. Brian showed me the ropes though. Just like Field Day, it rained. Brian just said, “It wouldn’t be Hamvention unless it rained.”

In addition to Hamvention, we visited the old Hara building, the Air Force Museum, and Voice of America were just a few of the highlights!

Many of you know, Brian and I enjoyed working on the website. He liked getting into the “code” to make the pages look just how he wanted them to. Me not so much.. LOL! Fear not though, the Hamfesters website and HamGab will live on. They may take on a different look though.

So, Brian, I am sure in Heaven you are getting lots of DX contacts with the excellent propagation you now have! You have been a really good friend. 73 Gene W9PNG

CQ Field Day

Jim Riley W9JPR

Last month in this column I opened nominations for our 2023 GOTA call. With the untimely passing of Brian Davis, those nominations are now closed. We will be using his call, W9HLQ, for this year and possibly beyond. Brian was the driving force behind our GOTA station. Using his call will help keep his memory alive. Steve Peters W9KXT will be assuming GOTA leadership duties.

My presentation in June is counting on you for pictures. It will be pretty boring with just mine. If you have any pictures from last year’s Field Day, you can email your digital photos to w9jpr2016@gmail.com or bring them to a meeting on a disk, flash drive, or SD card. Prints are also welcome.

General Meeting Security Update

Jim Riley W9JPR

At the request of Pastor Dean, the front door of our meeting place at SouthBridge Church will be kept secure before, during, and after our meetings. The door will be unlocked at 7 p.m. with someone posted there. It will be locked at 7:30. If you arrive after that time, you can call W9AA on 146.43 MHz or call Jim at 708-218-0695.

The new changes in Illinois law require this policy for the security of the facility and safety of all meeting attendees.

FOR SALE by Owner

ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program

from ARRL VEC VE Newsletter

The ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program went into effect on April 19, 2022. ARRL will cover the one-time $35 application fee for new license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the ARRL VEC program. The $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than 18-years old would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC VE team at the time of the exam. The $5 fee is for all candidates under the age of 18 regardless of the exam level taken. Proof of under 18 status is required at the session. Visit the ARRL website for the program instructions and reimbursement form at www.arrl.org/youth-licensing-grant-program<http://www.arrl.org/youth-licensing-grant-program>.

The ARRL Board approved the “Youth Licensing Grant Program” at its July 2021 meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, expanding on the scope of the original motion proposed by ARRL Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB. The new program will cover the $35 FCC license application fee for candidates younger than 18-years old. The Board believes that “the recruitment and training of young amateur radio operators is a necessary and proper mission of the ARRL, and that subsidization of the $35 fee will reduce the number of new amateurs that otherwise would be lost from these groups,” the Board said. Initially the new program would serve up to 1,000 new license applicants under 18 years old. The program length is indefinite; it may be renewed or terminated by the Administration and Finance Committee or by the Board of Directors. The motion carried with applause from Board members.

Hamfesters VE Testings

Important Note: Amateur Radio Exams

  1. Bring 2 pencils for the answer sheet, and a Black ink ball point pen for the FCC VEC 605 form we provide.  (FCC registration form)
  2. Exam Candidates: Prior to your arrival. You are REQUIRED to register in the FCC CORES system online and receive a FCC Registration Number (FRN) before exam day.
    Once you have obtained the FRN number, please bring it with you to the exam location. To apply for the FRN, please go here.>>>  https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do 
    Already Licensed? Please bring your Official Amateur License and Photo Copy of Your License. The FRN number is printed on your FCC License. (also found on the GMRS license if you have one) ALL Copies are filed with all testing materials. You will keep the originals. The FCC ULS CORES system must have a valid email address.  Otherwise you may not get your License.
    The FRN number is a requirement on the FCC 605 form we provide and your Exam answer sheet.
  3. A fee of $15 dollars is charged for the examination. Payment is Cash ONLY — no credit cards or checks accepted.
  4. Please bring a photo ID such as a Government Drivers License or US passport.
  5. Exam location is at Oak Forest City Hall 15440 S. Central Ave. Oak Forest.  Enter through the Police Station Door and follow the ARRL EXAM Signs to the Exam Area.
  6. Yes, You may bring your calculator, however you must demonstrate that all memories are erased.

NOTE:     Starting  April 19, 2022 the FCC $35.00 Amateur Application Fee Starts. This new fee will only apply to applicants for a new 10 year License, renewal, rule waiver or a new vanity call sign.  (The $35.00 Application Fee is non-refundable) There will be no charge for future License Upgrades or administrative updates, such as a change of mailing address or email address.

The New $35.00 Fee will NOT be collected by the VE’s (Volunteer Examiners). ALL Exam paperwork including exam fees, answer sheets and Form 605s are mailed to the ARRL-VEC headquarters.  If you passed your exam the ARRL-VEC will submit your information to the FCC. Once the FCC runs batch processing, they will email you the process to pay the $35.00 fee. (usually credit card) You will have Ten calendar days to pay per instructions giving by the FCC. If payment is properly transferred, the FCC will then email instructions to download your License.  You will have 30 days to download the Amateur license. 

Again, The FCC must have your valid email address in the ULS CORES system.

ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program starts on April 19, 2022
Anticipating the implementation of the fee in 2022, the ARRL Board of Directors, at its July 2021 meeting, approved the "ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program <https://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-board-establishes-program-to-cover-initial-fcc-license-fee-for-young-applicants>." Under the program, ARRL will cover a one-time $35 application fee for license candidates younger than 18 years old for tests administered under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC). Qualified candidates also would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC upon examination.

To give yourself practice on all the questions: Please click on the Website below that contains Exam Flash Cards Go to  >>>  https://hamexam.org/   Click on the Flash Cards for the Class of Exam you wish to study. You can also take the practice Exams found on the same Web Site. It’s free and a good practice prior to any Exam Session.

73’s   Al – N9ZD   VE examiner

Feburary 2022 Contest Calendar

From WA7BNM Contest Calendar Website

Club Information

Meetings and VE

Club meetings are held on the
first Friday of every month at
SouthBridge Community Church, 15500 S. 73rd, Orland Park, IL 60462
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
September meetings may vary if our meeting date conflicts with the Crestwood
Flower show.

Board Meetings:
Our monthly Board meetings are open to every member.  We hold the meetings via Zoom on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 pm.  If you would like to attend a meeting you must contact Brian, W9HLQ to be invited to the Zoom meeting.  Contact him the weekend before the meeting to be placed on the list.  You will receive the invite on the Monday morning of the Board meeting.

Special Activities

Hamfester’s Big Peotone

August 7th, 2022
Will County Fairgrounds in Peotone, IL

Field Day:

June 26-27, 2022
SouthBridge Community Church
15500 S. 73rd
Orland Park, IL
Field Day Chairman

Community Service: we support
local communities by providing
radio communication for parades
and marathons / walk-a-thons.

Walk-ins accepted with FRN number in hand.
See details here.
Exam fee is $15.00.
Al N9ZD, VE Team Chairman

Nets/Contact Info
10 METER NET: Every
Sunday Evening at 8:00 PM on
28.410. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

2 METER NET: Every
Monday Evening at 9:00 PM on
146.640. Tom KA9ZXN is Net

WEB SITE: www.hamfesters.org
Brian ,W9HLQ
Gene, W9PNG

Club’s address:
Hamfesters Radio Club
P.O. Box 651
Orland Park, IL 60462
Attn: Patti KC9LYE Sec




Notice: Beginning with Feb 2021, all HamGab issues will be gluten and salt-free. This is part of my commitment to provide you with the healthiest and environmentally friendly reading possible. You will notice no degradation in image quality due to the clever design of the editor. If you choose to print HamGab we suggest you use low-fat, vegetarian-based ink in your printer.